Chapter one- Pregnancy

2007 January - June

Created by Melissa 15 years ago
At 9 weeks I was gushing blood and they swore up and down I was loosing the baby..... I didn't. We breezed through the next few weeks easily until 18 weeks. I had been spotting. Went in for an u/s. Calypso's amniotic fluid was at 1.5 (4.5 is critical) the u/s lady kept asking me if I had been leaking. I told her no, no I hadn't. They scheduled me for a recheck in 2 weeks saying she probably just needed to pee. At 20 weeks I saw them again. The u/s tech was very very quiet and told me that the baby still had no fluid and that my placenta looked 'funny'. She went to get my Dr. He came in crying and told me I was at very very high risk for interuterine fetal demise and having a stillborn baby. They referred me to a high risk Dr. who I saw the following Monday. I saw the High Risk Dr. at 21 weeks 2 days. He told me the baby looked ok and we were in a wait and see stage and I'd have every 2 week u/s. I never made it to my next appointment. On May 2nd at 23 weeks 5 days I woke up in a pool of blood. I called 911 and they took me away to our local hospital. They found Calypso's heartbeat and transferred my up to IU Hospital in Indianapolis. There they diagnosed me as a placental abruption case. We had to sign papers telling them that if Calypso was born super early we wanted agressive treatments to save her. I spent 6 weeks in the hospital bleeding heavily off and on. When I hit 29 weeks I was so excited, if I had my baby she would live! I was so freaking happy. On June 14th at 1:30 am I was 6 cm and they gave me an epidural. At 3 am I called my friend. At 3:15 I was feeling weird and the Dr's. came in to check me. I told her I'd call her back. Calypso was born 5 minutes later in one push. She came out sunny side up and had her eyes open (I wish so badly I had seen her eyes, I never got to see them) she even tried to cry. She was 3 lbs 1.9 oz and 13 inches long. I got up about an hour later to go pee and started hemorraging. The Dr. started my iv with pitocin (I got 2 bags) and they put cyotec up my bum and he MANUALLY yanked clots out of my uterus while shoving on my stomach. Finally they got everything under control At 5:30 am they had Calypso stable enough to transfer her to Riley and I got to meet her briefly before they wisked her away.